Laravel Association Management System
Alumnius- Association Management System- is a smart online system for Association management (with event Management ) in PHP Laravel. The solution is applicable for any kind of Association offering modernized management on users, event, committee, membership, Job, blog, payment, Notice, Account, FAQ, extensive reports management and also effective system profile with easy configuration. It has a nice frontend website with backend customizable panel.
Features :
Admin Panel:
- Profile Manamgent
- My Profile
- ID Card
- General settings
- User management
- Membership management
- 4 Types of Committee management
- Advisor Committee
- General Committee
- Event Committee
- Sub Committee
- Event management
- Upcoming event
- Events
- Event Pricing
- Payment management
- Receipt management
- Job portal management
- Blog management
- Video management
- Question/FAQ management
- Notice management
- Account management
- Fully customized & dynamic settings frontend website
- Change Password
- Easily customizable and secure.
Installation Guide:
- Download .zip package
- Upload it to your server
- Extract the package
- Browse the package url via browser (domain_name/install/), you will find a interface to install.
- Enter Application Name, Application Title
- Enter Pruchase Code, Company name, Email, Mobile, Address
- Enter Hostname : database host name eg:localhost
- Enter Database Name : create a mysql database and provide the name ot the same
- Enter Database username : username of the created database
- Enter Database password : password of the created database
- Enter default Email
- Enter default Name
- Click Install Now button
- You are almost done.
- Now goto project folder and Create
file. - Click Install button
You are done.
Demo Credentials:
Alumnius- Laravel Association Management System Admin Template is developed by Templatemonster (Known and Good Developer)
If you want more information about this product then visit the main author’s website.
This plugin was uploaded on our website December 19, 2022
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